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Hi, I'm Janelle Gleich, the president of JCBG Presentations, LLC.


Over the past two decades I have become a presentation guru for multiple types of businesses, including PR firms, television networks, and advertising agencies. At JCBG we design RFPs, RFIs, proposals, infographics, and presentations. We also offer presentation related project management and production.

Prior to forming JCBG Presentations, LLC I held positions at various advertising agencies.

In 2001 I accepted a position at BBDO. During my seven years there I held various positions in the studio and design departments, and was ultimately chosen to form and run the presentation department.

In 2007 I became the Director of Visual Communications at Publicis USA, which broadened my New Business experience, and gave me the opportunity to cultivate my leadership and organizational skills.

In 2009 I moved abroad to Germany and studied art history. During this time I worked remotely for kbs+p as a presentation designer.

In 2011 I returned to New York City and formed JCBG. My expertise, experience, and personalized attention to detail are part of what sets us apart.

I currently live in New York City with my husband and daughter.

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